Uncover the Purpose of Your Path With Journey Mapping

Uncover the Purpose of Your Path with Stephenie Zamora

Are you ready to uncover the purpose of your path? In today’s episode, we’re talking about my powerful five-phase Journey Mapping™ process, which I developed over the years to help others on their path towards overcoming their pasts and finding their purpose. I’ll also be opening up on my own experience with trauma – how it cracked me so far open that pieces of me went missing, and how I rose up and came back.

What to Listen For:

  • What to expect from this podcast
  • What is Journey Mapping™?
  • What can Journey Mapping™ do for you?

“Understanding this powerful process is going to allow you to have a clear understanding of the journey that you are currently walking and where you are inside of it, as well as what you need to develop to move through each stage.

It’s what will allow you to rise up and come back in the aftermath of your own challenging chapters and big life transitions, uncovering the purpose of your path and making the impossible happen for yourself. This process really allows you to get clear on what comes next for you, your life, your work, and your relationship, and you’ll see it further modeled for you and all of the interviews that we’re sharing.”

  • What is The Call of The Void?

“It’s that common urge arising within perfectly sane and healthy individuals who have no desire to die, to leap off the edge of a cliff. The void is the inner gateway, the initiation, the path into deeper connection, peace, inspiration, love, purpose, intuition, and source, whatever those things mean to us individually.”

  • My first experience with the void
  • The calm of slipping and falling through the void
  • Feeling connected to something greater than myself
  • Repeating this experience over the years and how this allowed me to create tremendous shifts in my business and my life
  • My ex-boyfriend’s decision to take his own life and how the trauma of this event cracked me so far open pieces of me went missing – some of them permanently.

The trauma of this loss broke me also, literally over the following months, my brain began deteriorating rapidly to the point that I couldn’t put my own life story in order, let alone remember what I did the day before. I would sit in front of my computer and just cry because I couldn’t remember half the clients on my list, nor could I remember how to build websites anymore, something I had been doing for years. I would drive in circles around my house because each time it took me to lap the block I would forget that I was going home.”

  • Contacting a friend and mentor for a healing session
  • Getting my brain back and learning more about this type of process work

“I learned that this particular type of process work worked with the concept of the void, the idea that all the good stuff we’re seeking exists just beyond this pocket of nothingness, that terrifying space of unknown darkness and death we’re often too afraid to explore. And we’re too afraid because it can feel like we’re actually dying. And it’s only by moving through this pocket that we can connect with what we’re seeking, truth, peace, love, purpose, trust, faith source, and divine wisdom.

I became obsessed with this concept of dropping through the void because in my life personally, it’s proven to be everything in creating what I desire and healing and finding wholeness and uncovering my purpose and knowing who I am and who I’m becoming. The void is terrifying and magical and the gateway to everything amazing.”

  • Discovering the hero’s journey

“I was also introduced to the hero’s journey while doing research on how to write my memoir Unravel. The hero’s journey began to serve as a framework for how to truly rise up and come back from the most awful heartbreaking chapter of my life. It was a missing piece. I needed to finally pull myself out of the grips of grief to do the healing work and to understand the purpose of the path I was walking.”

  • Rising up and coming back
  • What happens when you do, because the journey has altered you at your core
  • What this looked like for me

“This is the fun and incredibly challenging part. Now for me, this was ending my relationship with a man I believed was the love of my life. Pulling down seven years of content and programs from my website. Stepping away from all expectations and obligations and extricating myself from relationships and experiences that were no longer aligned. It was the setting of new boundaries that supported my highest good, whatever that meant in each area of my life, as well as each individual relationship was also a ton of untangling around the core patterns, beliefs, and wounds that had been running me since childhood.”

  • The basics of Journey Mapping™
  • Helping to navigate through life’s challenging chapters so you can become who you’re here to be and start doing the work you’re here to do It’s all about purpose
  • Diving into the five stages of the Journey Mapping™ process

Stage One – Preparing For The Journey

“If you’re in stage one, you’re generally feeling uncertain about what’s to come and you’re ready for a change, but not entirely trusting that it’s possible. You’re feeling some combination of tired, broken, sad, or lost disoriented inside your own life. Isolated, like no one understands what you’ve been through or what you’re still going through.”

  • The three things you must develop in order to move through stage one

Stage Two – Looking at the Ordinary World

“If you’re in this stage, you’re beginning to understand where you came from, where your current journey really began and what you’re carrying forward with you that you need to release attachment to in order to grow. That includes your winning strategy, your old ecology, old ways of being, and beliefs, subconscious programming, and the like. Knowing where you started and what the invitation of your soul is, gives you a sense of where you are in the journey.”

  • The three things you must develop in order to move through stage two
  • Choice points – what are they and how to recognize them
  • The questions to ask yourself if you are in stage two

Stage Three – Navigating this Special World

“You’re in this stage if you’re beginning to build confidence in yourself and you’re gathering more tools and support for digging into that challenging phase of the journey. You understand that things have changed, that you’ve changed as well as how much. The only way back is through. You must now navigate and complete your hero’s journey by going through the phases of this special world, preparing for death and rebirth, so you can step into what’s next.”

  • The four things you must develop to move through stage three
  • The parts of this process that scare us the most
  • The questions to ask yourself during this stage

Stage Four – Choosing the Path for Your Return

“If you’re in this stage, you’re likely feeling a bit raw and somewhat disoriented from the process of death and rebirth, but you’re also beginning to form a new sense of self and your relationship to yourself, your life, and your work from this new change space.

You’re beginning to build your choice muscle, and you’re getting clear on what choices you need to make to complete the return and really heal and become whole again, whatever healed and home mean to you in the aftermath. You’re ready to get clarity on what you’re creating next and what the purpose of this path was.”

  • The four things you must develop to move through stage four
  • The good news and the bad news about discovering your purpose

Stage Five – Stepping into What Comes Next

“If you’re in this stage, you’re feeling clear, more peaceful, and more able to navigate the process of rising up and coming back at this point, though, you need to be primed to commit to next-level growth for yourself.

Getting clear on who you’re here to be and starting to do the work. You’re here to do your unique contribution in order to move through this final stage and into the next intentional, purposeful whole, and healed stage of your life. You must be first ready to live, fully aligned, and fully expressed.”

  • The four things you need to move through stage five Final thoughts

“Everyone has a purpose and purpose is the point of this life. Purpose comes in all shapes and sizes. You already know what it is. It’s already in you already trying to bubble up to the surface and you’re being primed to live out your legacy every moment of this journey that you’re walking.”

About Stephenie Zamora:

Stephenie Zamora is a life and business coach, author of Unravel and Awesome Life Tips®, and founder of www.CallOfTheVoid.tv. Stephenie guides her clients through the process of reorienting to themselves, their lives, their relationships, and their work in a way that’s fully aligned with who they’ve become in the aftermath of challenging chapters and big life transitions. After struggling with PTSD from a sudden and traumatic loss, she navigated her own difficult healing journey, and has set out to help others find the purpose of their own path using her five-stage Journey Mapping™ process.


Access our free 8-part Journey Mapping™ sampler program and begin uncovering the purpose of your path at www.TalesFromTheJourney.tv/Free/.

Read my memoir, Unravel: Rising Up and Coming Back from a Season of Living that Damn Near Killed Me at www.TheUnravelBook.com.

Tales from the Journey™ is a Stephenie Zamora Media Production in partnership with the phenomenal producers at Your Voice Better.


MEET YOUR HOST : Stephenie Zamora

Stephenie Zamora is a life and business coach, author of Unravel and Awesome Life Tips®, and founder of CallOfTheVoid.tv. Stephenie guides her clients through the process of reorienting to themselves, their lives, their relationships, and their work in a way that’s fully aligned with who they’ve become in the aftermath of challenging chapters and big life transitions. After struggling with PTSD from a sudden and traumatic loss, she navigated her own difficult healing journey, and has set out to help others find the purpose of their own path using her five-stage Journey Mapping™ process.